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Refund Protection policy

Refund Protection covers

If you or a person you purchase Tickets for cannot attend the event for the following reasons:

- Accident, bodily injury or illness (including illness caused by Covid-19)
- Death of a member a person you purchase Tickets for or an immediate family member (including illness caused by Covid-19).

Refund Protection and covid-19

Ticket Refund Protection policy is to provide you with a refund (Ticket price + fees) if you are unable to attend an event.

- No refund will be issued in case the the event be forced to cancel, postponed or changed location. In any of these circumstances or the Event Organizer will contact you directly regarding your options.
- Please note that the the Terms & Conditions exclusions to the refund still apply.
- Only the ticket face value will be refunded (Ticket price + Fees). This excludes all bank and transaction fees (normally 4% of total paid price).

Refund Protection DOES NOT cover

- Transit delay including breakdown or failure of transport when commuting to the event
- Strikes, riots, civil commotion, martial law or curfew.
- Restricted access to the venue caused by flood, fire, explosion or the act of a constituted authority to protect public health and safety.
- Adverse weather including snow, fog, frost or storm preventing attendance at the venue .
- Being required to remain at home for any other reasons from Art. "Refund Protection Covers".
- Being the victim of a robbery, mugging or physical assault while going to the event.
- Not being able to attend the event due to having to work.
- The event coincides with another event you have tickets for.
- Not being admitted at the entrance of the event by stewards or security.
- A pre-existing illness. Illness that already existed when you purchased the ticket.
- In case of pregnancy discovered after ticket purchase.
- Ticket name change.
- Any of the other the Terms & Conditions.

Claim a refund

Refunds can be claimed only within 30 (thirty) days after event date. All claims after 30 days from event date will be rejected.

Please provide one of the following documents:

- A doctor's note or report for accident or illness issued not later than 30 days from event date.
- Doctor certificate stating you contracted COVID-19 after ticket purchase date and before event date.
- Death certificate if any
- Confirmation report of incident from Police Officer or similar
- Letter from the Police, Fire Brigade or Household insurer
- Police or hospital report to confirm incident

and in any case provide:

- The original ticket, e-ticket or order number
- Proof of identity

*Please note that some doctor charge for issuing certificates. Look into the cost of such certificate because it may be higher of the actual Ticket Cost
* Note: Once you claim a refund , your ticket(s) will be voided and not valid.

Contacting us

If you have any questions please contact us
abuse AT LTD
71-75 Shelton Street

This document was last updated on October 28, 2022