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Stranger Things Day Vol.2 en CDMX
dom.. 28 jul.. 2024

Jesus Maria #42 Col. Centro Historico CDMX
Mexico City - Mexico
Stranger Things Day Vol.2 en CDMX
Reserva - Toque no mapa para escolher seu lugar
img Mesa 1 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 2 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 3 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 4 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 5 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 6 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 7 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 8 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 9 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 10 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 11 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 12 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 13 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PMMesa 14 - (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 1.00 y 5.00 PM

Experience the Upside Down in the Historic Center itself!
As part of the thematic events organized by the La Extraña Pizza restaurant, the second edition of Stranger Things Day will be held on July 28 at the Casa Franciscana.

With everything and the long time that is usually expected to see the new and strange adventures of the Hawkins gang, the level of popularity that this series has continues to stay afloat.

Proof of this is his vast fan base around the world. 
In the case of Mexico, we could say that it is one of the countries where several of the most passionate followers are found.

from the flagship work of brothers Matt and Ross Duffer. For the same reason, Tim Burton's themed restaurant, La Extraña Pizza, has organized its own event titled Stranger Things Day Vol. 2.

With the aim of celebrating the significance of this television phenomenon in pop culture, there will be a long and varied list of activities. 

As they are the following:

· Ángel Rodriguez (Dustin).

· Sale of merchandise.

· Photo area.

· Display of the last chapter on the big screen.

· Great variety of pizzas.


As La Extraña Pizza usually does with its normal dynamics, access to Stranger Things in the center of CDMX can be obtained through prior reservation. Which can be obtained through the official Klap.life site. 
That said, the entry cost per person is $345 pesos (platform fee included) and will include a pizza and a commemorative glass as a gift. 
Likewise, a place at a table with space for 4 people in total (all spaces can also be set aside).

Where: Jesús María 42 col center

When: July 28

Cost: 345 per person


Reservas & Ingressos

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