Stranger Thing Day will arrive in CDMX. Experience the Upside Down in the Historic Center itself!
As part of the themed events organized by the La Extra Pizza restaurant. · Sale of merchandise. · Photo area. · Display of the last chapter on the big screen.
As La Extraña Pizza usually does with its normal dynamics, access to Stranger Things in the center of CDMX can be obtained through prior reservation.
Which can be obtained through the official site.
That said, the entry cost per person is $345 pesos and will include a pizza and a commemorative glass as a gift.
Likewise, a place within a table with space for 4 people in total (all spaces can also be set aside).
Where: Jesús María 42 col center
When: November 10
Cost: 350 per person (pizza+glass) 不是活动的组织者,但代表组织者或设施处理门票的分发和预订。 在活动取消或条件修改的情况下, 平台上出售的座位类型以及门票或预订的退款方式完全取决于组织者的选择,组织者必须注明详细信息以插入 平台的事件描述为准, 不介入且不承担任何责任。
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