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Fluo Party Ferragosto @ Maki Maki
Tuesday August 15, 2023

Inicio del evento 23:30
Viale Europa, 23
Viareggio - Italy
Fluo Party Ferragosto @ Maki Maki





Dazzling FLUO PARTY at Maki Maki Viareggio: A Burst of Colors and Commercial Music for an Unforgettable Ferragosto!
It's time to shine and dance under neon lights at Maki Maki Viareggio, where fun reaches new heights during the FLUO PARTY evening scheduled for Ferragosto day! Get ready to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of vibrant colors, energy, and exhilarating commercial music as you join the brightest party of the summer.
A Fluorescent Experience: Where Colors Meet Music
Maki Maki Viareggio has created the FLUO PARTY event to offer you a unique and engaging experience. The evening is dedicated to the dazzling world of fluorescent colors, transforming the venue into a true luminous oasis. Put on your brightest attire and get ready to snap selfies and photos that capture your inner light.
An Electrifying Musical Atmosphere
But FLUO PARTY isn't just a visual feast; it's also a celebration of the art of musical entertainment. Dominated by commercial music, the event will make the venue vibrate, urging you to dance until the early hours of the morning. Expert DJs will curate the hottest hits, ensuring a playlist that will make you jump and move like never before.

Join the Brightest Party of the Summer!
The FLUO PARTY evening at Maki Maki Viareggio is the perfect opportunity to have an unforgettable Ferragosto filled with fun, music, and colors. Get ready to immerse yourself in a thrilling atmosphere and dance to the rhythm of the hottest hits as you join fellow fun enthusiasts. Don't miss the chance to create dazzling memories on a night that promises to shine in your heart for a long time to come.
Are you ready to step into the scintillating world of FLUO PARTY? Mark the date, don your brightest attire, and prepare for an evening of fun and kaleidoscopic emotions at Maki Maki Viareggio!

Event Details
Date: August 15th
Time: From 11:30 PM till late
Venue: Maki Maki Viareggio, Viale Europa 23
Dress code: Fluorescent attire recommended (clothes, accessories, and makeup)
Recommended age: 18+ 

Reservaciones & Boletos

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