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Extraña Pascua 2024

Inizio evento alle 12:00
Chiusura evento alle 18:00
Nicolás San Juan 454 col. From the valley a few blocks from the Ethiopia metro.
Mexico City - Mexico
Extraña Pascua 2024
Data Non disponibile

Tim Burton's Easter festival returns to CDMX next 6 and 7 Abril 2024!!!

If you like adventures through magical worlds, horror stories and ghosts, you have to celebrate The Strange Easter. It is an event set with different settings and music inspired by Tim Burton films.

Get ready to take photos in its locations and other activities that will make you remember Beetlejuice, Corpse Bride, The Strange World of Jack, Frankenweenie, among other Tim Burton films.

If characters are your thing, then at the event you can take a photo with one of them and even get married in the style of Tim Burton with an interactive civil registry where the master of ceremonies will be the mad hatter and you can be part of his tea table.

During the Tim Burton festival in CDMX, which will take place on April 6 and 7, there will be a costume contest based on the characters from Tim Burton's films. Girls and boys from 6 years old can participate, as well as adolescents and adults. Everyone can participate to win exclusive prizes according to the categories.

If that day you want to complement your costume or outfit, the festival will have makeup artists. You can also test your general knowledge about Tim Burton's films in trivia. And if you are passionate about collectibles, you will have to visit its themed bazaar.

Where will the Tim Burton Festival be in CDMX?

This festival, which pays tribute to Tim Burton's cinematographic career, will be held at Nicolás San Juan 454 col. From the valley a few blocks from the Ethiopia metro.

Stranger Timburtom revan vesper Happy ever Beetelguese
6 aprile

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