K icon Anmeldung
Fr.. 29 März. 2024

Beginn um 19:00
Schließt um 23:00
Jesus Maria #42 Col. Centro Historico CDMX
Mexico City - Mexico
Buchung - Berühren Sie die Karte, um Ihren Ort auszuwählen
img MESA 1 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 2 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 3 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 4 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 5 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 6 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 7 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 8 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 9 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 10 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 11 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 12 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 13 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMMESA 14 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMSALA 1 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PMSALA 2 - CORALINE (2 Funciones disponibles) Horarios : 7.00 y 9.00 PM

If you're a fan of the secret behind Coraline's secret door, this holiday festival is designed for you.

Just as you read, CDMX will have a festival dedicated to Coraline within the La Extraña Pizza themed pizzeria cinema located at Jesús María 42 col. Center where various festivals and film marathons are held in the emblematic Casa Franciscana venue, a building that dates back to the 17th century and now functions as a commercial and cultural space.

Coraline Fest will pay tribute to one of the most beloved films and is about to celebrate its first 15 years of life. Among the activities you can find the screening of the film at 2 different times at 7 pm and 9 pm.

During the day you will have a space to take photos with some characters, buy food and snacks and as one of the great surprises for all the people who buy their movie combo, they will be able to live together and take a photo with Héctor Lee, he is an actor, Mexican dubbing director and announcer with more than 40 years of experience voices Mr. Bobinsky in the film Coraline.

Access will be limited to 60 people per time, the entry combo includes (individual pepperoni pizza + commemorative glass + drink + socializing with Héctor Lee prior to the performance.

Purchase your tickets on the platform and enjoy this unforgettable event. 


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