Batman day on the EXTRAÑA PIZZA
Batman Day is one of the most anticipated events of the year for fans of the famous superhero, so CDMX was not going to be left without having its own celebration.
This year, the Dark Knight will celebrate the 85th anniversary of his birth, reason enough to put together a festival in which not only his allies will be present, but also his staunch enemies. Here we leave you all the details so that you are encouraged to join the celebration in the Historic Center.
LA EXTRAÑA PIZZA theme restaurant in CDMX is organizing an event to commemorate the birthday of the favorite bat and will celebrate it with a marathon where Batman from 1989 directed by filmmaker Tim Burton will be screened. If yours are weddings for the most loving attendees, we will have a civil registry so they can unite their twisted hearts with their puddings, the cost of this activity is independent of the income and will be $300 (includes fantasy rings and marriage certificate)
As a stellar guest we will have the Mexican voice actor Jesse Conde, best known for voicing the Joker in the 1989 film, among other characters, he also gives life to Mr. Potato Head in the Toy Story franchise, the Green Goblin in the film trilogy of Spider-Man and in Spider-Man: No Way Home.
The appointment for this event will be next July 14 starting at 1 pm at Jesús María 42 col. CDMX CENTER access can be purchased through the klap life page and the cost is 300 plus site charges, the event is limited to 60 people for each time slot, so you can't miss it ist nicht der Veranstalter der Veranstaltung, sondern kümmert sich im Namen des Veranstalters bzw. der Einrichtung um den Ticketvertrieb und die Reservierung. Die Art der auf der zum Verkauf angebotenen Sitzplätze und die Art der Erstattung von Eintrittskarten oder Reservierungen im Falle einer Absage der Veranstaltung oder einer Änderung der Bedingungen hängen ausschließlich von der Wahl des Veranstalters ab, der dies angeben muss Details in der Beschreibung der Veranstaltung, die auf der eingefügt wird, ohne jegliches Eingreifen und ohne Verantwortung von
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